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²£«~¤º®e´y­z roller test stand (Rollenprüfstand)
  - HO­y 380mm ´ú¸Õ¥­¥x x 1 / HO scale for DC, AC, DCC and Analogy
- ´ú¸Õ½ü²Õ x 4 / 4 Bearing sets
- ¤£ù׿û¤Ñ½u x1 / Antenna for electric engine Pantograph x 1PC
- 94m ­y¹D®y x 1 / 94mm assemble track x 1 PC
- ­µÅT¥Î­»¿¼´¡ÀY¤Î½u x 3 /3 connecters and cable
  - Dimension 380(L) x 40(W) x 28(H) mm
  - Net Weight 380g / Gross Weight 530g

1.¥i´ú¸ÕDCª½¬y(¤G­y)¤ÎAC¥æ¬y(¤T­y)¨âºØ¨Ñ¹q¨t²Î¤§¼Ò«¬¤õ¨®, ¤]¥i·f°tDCC ¼Æ¦ì±±¨î¨t²Î¨Ï¥Î.
  It supports DC / AC motor of model trains and Digital Contral System.
A removable overhead wire could be simple installed for testing the Pantograph of electric engine.
3.¥W¼Ñ«¬¾T¦Xª÷©³®y¤è«K·Æ°Ê½Õ¾ã´ú¸Õ½ü²Õ¦ì¸m, ¤]¤è«KÂX¥R¤Î¨ú¥X´ú¸Õ½ü²Õ.
  Alumni slot base with the electricity conductor structures make easier to adjust or extend or remove the roller trolleys or extra tracks from the stand.
4.´ú¸Õ½ü²Õ¥i©ñ¸m©ó Rolling Test Stand ¤º´ú¸Õ, ¥ç¥i¨ú¥X©ñ¸m©ó Layout ªº­y¹D¤W´ú¸Õ¼Ò«¬¤õ¨®.
  Roller Trolleys also could testing the model train on the roller test stand and layout tracks.
5.²Õ¦X¦¡ÂX¥R­y¹D¥iÀH·N½Õ¾ã¦ì¸m, ¨Ã¥i¶Ç¾É¹q·½
  Steam engine, Desiesal, Electric Model trains.
6.´ú¸Õ¥­¥x«e«á¨âºÝ­y¹D³£¦³¹q·½, ¥ç¥i©µ¦ù¨ìÂX¥R­y¹D.
The testing platform is designed to conduct electricity both ends, Extendable rails is also combinable from both ends track.
6.´ú¸Õ¥­¥x«e«á¨âºÝ­y¹D³£¦³¹q·½, ¥ç¥i©µ¦ù¨ìÂX¥R­y¹D.
  The testing platform is designed to conduct electricity both ends, Extendable rails is also combinable from both ends track.
7.¨â®y´ú¸Õ¥­¥x¥i¦ê±µ¥H´ú¸Õ¦p: ICE, EURO STARµ¥Âù°Ê¤O
  Easy to connect two stand to test ICE, EURO Star high speed model trains.
  RailStand are available put into the Acrylic display cover and wooden stand (option).

PS: ¦U¼tµP¦~«×·s«~Åwªï¬¢¸ß.