O scale roller test & demo stand
(Rollenprüfstand SUPR O)
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繼2017年 RailStand 推出
了業界體積最小、功能最多的 N軌 跑步機後,
我們於今年2019榮重的推出兩款全新的 O軌(軌距32mm) 全功能的測試平台和展示平台. 第一款是全功能的測試平台, 可以測試各類型和各種大小的
O軌火車頭. 第二款是展示平台, 使用本公司獨家專利的隱藏式培林組讓您可以完美的展示您心愛的火車頭. 此外這兩種平台都有本公司獨家專利的地心引力導電設計、第三軌導電設計和測試
3軌/2軌, AC/DC電源, DCC數位/類比 和集電弓測試功能. "測試平台" 採用凹型槽基座與地心引力原理設計,
RailStand 致力於製作出全世界設計最好品質最佳的火車跑步機, 請大家拭目以待我們即將出品的 O 軌展示及測試平台.
O scale (32mm) roller test stand were design for test all kind of the O scale locomotives, steam,
diesel, electric... also OT-9508 is able to test the US bigger locomotives as the Big Boy,
Challenger, Y6b, DDA40X...
O scale roller test stand is the full function
roller test stand, it was design for test the O scale(32mm) locomotives which are support the 2 rails & 3 rails, AC/DC and DCC/Analogy system also
it has many creative and most functions than other roller test stand: as
adjustable bearing brackets, assemble tracks, able to test the electricity
via the pantograph, able to install into layout or install into the wood
base to be a demo stand.
This is a very easy and usefull O scale roller test stand. It's are able to
test all kind of the locomotive and support the electric locomotive which
the power through the pantograph.
- Supports 2/3 rails, DC/AC and DCC/Analogy system.
- The principle of gravity to conduct electricity.
- A removable overhead wire could be simple installed for testing the pantograph of electric engine.
- Able to install into the wooden base with the display Acrylic cover to be a demo stand (addtional).
- Can install in the MTH REALTRAX layout and be a programming track.
- Aluminum slot base with the electricity conductor structures make easier to adjust or extend or remove the
bearing trolleys.
- Assembly tracks are easy to adjust for steam, diesel, electric model locomotives.
- Special AC power structure is moveable and easy to conduct electric.
PS1: wooden base and model train are option not include
- Extra assemble O scale track with cover.
- Extra bearing trolley (roller trolley)
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Supports 2/3 rail, DC/AC and DCC/Analogy System.
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A removable overhead wire could be simple installed for testing the
pantograph of electric engine.
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Able to install the roller stand into the wooden base with the Acrylic cover to
be a display stand. as our HO scale pictures
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Able to install the roller test stand into the MTH model train layout and be a testing and programming track, as our HO-5208
roller test stand as pictures.
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two ways to test the locomotive: one is adjust every bearing
bracket to accurate each the drive wheel, the second way is correct the
bearing brackets together then put the locomotive on the bearing brackets
without adjust each bearing bracket.
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Aluminum slot base design let the bearing
brackets and assembly tracks are easy to adjust and move.
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PHOTO1---move out assembly track. PHOTO2---slight the assembly track
to connect. Aluminum slot base make easier to adjust/move out/slight then connect remove the
assembly tracks on the stand.
PHOTO1 is take off track
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Conduct electricity from top to the end,
the bearing brackets and assembly tracks are also combinable and
electricity from both ends track.
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OT-9508 roller test stand is 950mm length
with 8 pairs of bearing brackets, which work area is longer than 65 CM which is available for any brand big boy,
challenger, Y6B, DDA40X....
OT-8104 roller test stand is 810mm length with 4 pairs of bearing
brackets, which work area is 53CM long, the long distance work area are satisfy for all of the America bigger locomotives.
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Patented bearing bracket design let it easy to move and test the 3 rail
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