O scale roller test & demo stand
(Rollenprüfstand SUPR O)

       We have designed and will make two kind of the O gauge(32mm) roller stand which we have use our patent element into the O gauge roller stand. The first roller stand is an O roller demo stand which have the adjustable hidden bearing sets and was design for exhibit your favor locomotives. The second roller test stand is a majority full fuction O gauge roller test stand with the adjustable bearing sets and few assemble tracks, you are able to test all kind of the locomotives. both roller stand are support the 2 rails(DC) and 3 rails(AC) system also they are able to test the electric locomotive which the power through the pantograph.
     RailStand O gague roller stand both are support DCC / Analogy system,  2 rails/ 3 rails and for the best demo effect we also accept customize for your favor locomotive.
        繼2017年 RailStand 推出業界體積最小、功能最多的 N軌 跑步機後, 我們預計於今年2018 開發兩款全新的 O軌(軌距寬32mm) 展示平台, 一款是全功能的測試平台, 另一款式展示平台且這兩種平台都有本公司獨家專利的採地心引力導電原理、第三軌導電設計和集電弓導電測試 及展示功能。可同時支援 三軌AC / 二軌DC 和 軌道 / 集電弓導電測試功能. "O軌 展示平台" 採用本司獨家專利的隱藏式培林組讓你看不到突兀的培林組以達到最佳的展示效果; 而 "測試平台" 其最大的特色則是採用凹型槽基座, 使各個培林組及組合軌道可以單獨因應各種火車的動輪輪距而調整.
     RailStand 致力於製作出全世界設計最好品質最佳的火車跑步機, 請大家拭目以待我們即將出品的 O 軌展示及測試平台.

Item No Bearing Set Stand Long For kind of locomotive PRICE
O-9508 8    95CM Big Boy, Y6B, Challenger....  
O-8104 4    81CM BR18, BR53, S2/6, MIKADO, D51, C57...  
   PS: We also accept customize order for your favor locomotives.