1/G scale roller demo stand
(Rollenprüfstand SUPR 1)

acrylic materail won't deformation or cracking

GW-9204 roller demo stand

GW-9204 roller demo stand

Hidden bearing brackets

able to add the LED light

Acrylic display cover and add extra LED

You are able to switch the track for different locomotive.

bearing brackets are adjustable.

Support DC and DCC
        RailStand 推出全球獨一無二的 1/G roller demo stand 模型火車展示平台. 我們設計和製造了這一款近乎完美的 1/G 火車展示平台(跑步機), 它可以用來測試也可以用來展示 1/G規模型火車平台. 其最大的特色是我們獨家專利的隱藏式培林座, 當你將火車放到展示台上, 你幾乎看不到非常突兀的培林組, 而且所有的培林組皆可以依不同的火車動輪的輪距及大小而調整培林組適合的位置.
        經過我們多年的經驗後, 我們捨棄了木質的底座而改為壓克力材質的底座. 木質的底座會有變形 和龜裂的問題, 而且木頭的種類很多價格差異也很大. 以上所列缺點都是壓克力所沒有的, 而且透明的壓克力底座還可以加上 LED燈, 可以當夜燈或也可以增加展示效果.

    RailStand 1/G scale roller demo stand 目前提供兩種規格供客戶選擇, GW-6004可以用來展示短小型的火車,如:BR85, BR95, C12..., GW-9204 可以用來展大型的火車, 如: BR18, SNCF 241A, BR53...但為達到完美的展示效果,我們也接受客戶為自己心愛的火車量身訂製專屬的展示平台.

產品型號 測試輪組 座台長度 是用車型及車款 售價 NT
客製化 自訂 可訂製 依您的愛車量身訂製可得到最完美的展示效果 未定
GW-6003 3組  60 CM BR55, T3, BR85, BR89, C11, C12, B6...  NT$11700   NT$9360
GW-9204 4組  92 CM BR18, BR53, S2/6, MIKADO, C57, D51...  NT$15000   NT$12000
GW-roller 1組   2 CM pairs of bearing bracket parts  NT$1200   NT$960


        RailStand launches the world's only 1/G roller demo stand. We have designed and manufactured this nearly perfect 1/G scale roller demo stand (treadmill), which can be used for display and can also be used to test 1/G scale locomotives. Its biggest feature is our exclusive patented hidden bearing bracket. When you put the train on the railroad and platform, you can hardly see the bearing brackets, and all the bearing brackets can be adjusted to suit each wheel position.
        After years of experience, we abandoned the wooden base and replaced it with a base made of acrylic material. The wooden base will have the problem of deformation and cracking, and the price of many types of wood is also very different. The disadvantages listed above are not available in acrylic, and the transparent acrylic base can also be added with LED lights, which can be used as night lights or can also increase the display effect.

     RailStand 1/G scale roller demo stand provides two specifications for customers to choose from. GW-6004 can be used to display short and small trains, such as: BR85, BR95, C12 ... tank locomotives, GW-9204 can be used to display large Trains, such as: BR18, SNCF 241A, BR53 ...tender locomotives. But in order to achieve the perfect display effect, we also accept customers to customize a dedicated display platform for their beloved train.
Item No. Bearing bracket LED Stand length  For kind of the locomotive List Price
GW-customize ?  Customize  for your favorite locomotive.. Ask
GW-6003 3 set    60 CM  for small locomotives...  US$389   US$311.2
GW-6003 3 set V    60 CM  for small locomotives...  US$419   US$335.2
GW-6004 4 set    60 CM  for small locomotives...  US$429   US$343.2
GW-6004 4 set V    60 CM  for small locomotives...  US$459   US$367.2
GW-9204 4 set    92 CM  All Europe and Asia locomotives...  US$500   US$400.0
GW-9204 4 set V    92 CM  All Europe and Asia locomotives...  US$530   US$424.0
GW-roller 1 set     2 CM able to add and install the GW-roller  US$40   US$32
Item NO. GW-6003 roller demo stand Item NO. GW-9204 roller demo stand
- 600mm acrylic stand
- pair of bearing bracket * 3
- red connector with cable * 1
- black connector with cable * 1

- Dimension 600mm(L) x 120mm(W) x 30(H)mm
- Net Weight 1.9kg / Gross Weight 2.9kg
  - 920mm acrylic stand
- pair of bearing bracket * 4
- red connector with cable * 1
- black connector with cable * 1

- Dimension 920mm(L) x 120mm(W) x 30(H)mm
- Net Weight 3.7kg / Gross Weight 5.0kg
List price:  US$389.0 
Special price: US$311.2

Int'l Express Mail Service shipping fee: US$72
List Price: US$499.0 
Special price: US$399.2

Int'l Express Mail Service shipping fee: US$92
Item NO. GW-6004 Item NO. GW-roller  
- 600mm acrylic stand
- pair of bearing bracket * 4
- red connector with cable * 1
- black connector with cable * 1

- Dimension 600mm(L) x 120mm(W) x 30(H)mm
- Net Weight 1.9kg / Gross Weight 2.9kg

-20mm(W) x 30mm(H)
- Net Weight 0.2kg / Gross Weight .02kg

List price:  US$429.0 
Special price: US$343.2
Int'l Express Mail Service shipping fee: US$68
List price:  US$40.0 
Special price: US$32.0
Int'l Express Mail Service shipping fee: US$28
PS1: How to order the RailStand roller stand? please click: Q&A No.2
PS2: International Express Mail Service with tracking number and will take about 5~14 days.
PS3: These prices are not include if you need the LED light, plesae notice us before place an order. (US$20/PC)


  壓克力跑步機 GW-9204 + Marklin SNCF 241A steam locomotive

  壓克力跑步機 GW-6004 + LED燈+阿里山森林蒸汽火車模型 SHAY #26號影片二
Acrylic roller test stand with LED light + Alishan forest locomotive #26 SHAY video1.

  壓克力跑步機+LED燈+阿里山森林蒸汽火車模型 SHAY #26號影片一
Acrylic roller test stand with LED light + Alishan forest locomotive #26 SHAY video1.

PS: The roller demo stand has certain restrictions, model trains too large or too small wheels or wheel edge too low can not be used.
          If you have any question about the roller stand, please leave your message, we will reply to you soon.
          If you want to place an order to us, please leave the item number, your mail address, ZIP, phone number... we will send an INVOICE through the PAYPAL to you, thanks.

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PS1: Check RailStand similar different gauge roller stand.
PS2: We are the expert to designed and manufactured the roller test & demo stand, If you are interested in our products or If have any questions or suggestions to RailStand, please click the RailStand to contact us or please E-mail or Phone: 886-9-37848773 , We accept payment by PayPal .