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主 題: RailStant N 軌 1:160 測試平台. 內容說明: RailStant N 軌 1:160 測試平台已設計完成並開始進行樣品驗證, 這次我們引用我們一個新的專利結構設計, N 軌的測試平台保留了 HO軌測試平台的所有優點, 而且可以使N軌測試平台使用起來更方便, 外型也比所有它牌更精巧美觀, 請拭目以待.
Subject: RailStand N scale 1:160 roller test stand Contents: We have finished the N scale roller test stand design, this time we use the new skill which we have got the patent, the new structure keep all of the funtions like HO roller test stand and the new structue will let the roller test stand more useful and more exquisite, we will make the sample to make sure all of the funtions good and we hope it will release soon.
刊登日期: 2014/8/20 上午 01:23:47 |