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主 題: Nn3 scale brass shay the West Side Lumber Co. No. 15 內容說明: Tom Knapp has designed a new three truck brass Shay kit. The engineering model was first shown at the 26th NNGC. RLW showed a completed kit at the 27th NNGC. The kit is complete with motor and details. You assemble the chassis, add the details, paint, decal and weather this beauty. This kit is the least expensive way to obtain a great looking 3-truck brass Shay in Nn3. Assemble, detail, weather, paint and detail it to show off your modeling skills. If you want to start with the chassis already assembled and tested, ready for you to detail, weather and paint, then take a look at TRK 1000-RTD. These shay kit/RTD/RTR locomotives are an RLW exclusive limited run item from one of the Nn3 masters. This kit has the engineering upgrade parts and instructions included. If you would like to see a completed model running take a look at the following videos of the West Side Lumber Co. No. 15 built from this kit with a Lenz Silver Mini decoder and Richmond Controls SMLED lights: Westside 15 at a low angle. Westside 15, birds eye view. The second pair of videos are of a kit bash of the TRK 1000 kit to complete WSLC No.10, again with a Lenz Silver Mini decoder and Richmond Controls SMLED lights: Westside 10 at a low angle. Westside 10, birds eye view. (Tom Knapp included the following note:) Note the ideal operating speed for these seems to be speed-steps between 20 and 30 (of 128) but they seem to run O.K. right down to speed steps as low as 1 and 2 (except when crossing a joint between MTL and Rokuhan tracks. see more below.) The test track is a combination of MTL and Rokuhan sectional Z track with a Rokuhan turnout. There is a difference in rail height between the two which causes the loco to bump at the joints between the two, and can cause a stall at very low speeds. I think the MTL rail looks better, but the Rokuhan roadbed looks better. The Rokuhan turnout's electrical reliability is better than the MTL turnout I have tested, but the stamped metal points in the Rokuhan turnout are not as good as the cast points in the MTL turnout. (Rough top edges on the point rails.) I recommend NOT mixing the two manufacturers' track.
刊登日期: 2012/2/29 下午 01:31:08 |