我是一個玩火車的新手,目前有一組Fleischmann HO 的基本組,因為對有聲音及可冒煙的火車情有獨鍾,所以打算將時間及金錢投入Digital control system(HO,2軌的為主),請各位先進指導,市面上各廠牌Digital control system的優劣,一個新手要如何進入才不會浪費時間及金錢.另外一個問題是目前市面上,HO gauge 可冒煙又有聲音的蒸氣車頭有哪些?
Dear George: How are you!If you want to play the digital system of train, I would like to recommand you the Marklin system. Even it couldn't match with the other brand's train. Since the Marklin train is very good in detail. Just its price will be more expensive than other. You can purchase it from Deutsch by mail. It will be cheaper than in Taipei. If you got any question, please e-mail to me and I will tell you more about it. My e-mail is loner702@tcts.seed.net.tw. Best Regards Lawrence