I an writing this message in an non chinese environment, so I could write in english this time. The store you mentioned should be around "la rue des Deux Filles" which is not far away from "la Place de Jean D'Arc". There are 2 train stores in that "quartier". If you pruchase at "Les Cheminots", the clerk would let check your trains visually and functionally. That is really a good place to shop! I know some other stores in Paris, should you are going to Paris pleas feel free to contact me at "dsdeng@tpts5.seed.net.tw". Otherwise you could post your questions on French related sites. That would give you prumpt and accurate instructions for your questions. The site could be called "passion du train". Take care!
1. 有kato美國車(~400fr),造景則為當地貨品為主 2. 離拉法葉百貨公司不很遠(在L'opera搭#27 bus 至 Gare St. Lazare再轉 metro 13 st. Denis-Basillique方向在Porte de Clichy 下車 2 stops)在Porte de Clichy 一帶要小心(有些亂) 3. Galeries Lafayette東西很貴~150%!