圖片 產品型別 軌距 產 品 簡 介  
SD35 N High Nose Version w/o Nose Headlight Prototype Information 360 EMD SD35's were sold into the US Market from 1964 to 1966. These road switchers are equip 點閱
SD35 低鼻 N Low Nose Version w/o Nose Headlight Prototype Information 360 EMD SD35's were sold into the US Market from 1964 to 1966. These road switchers are equipp 點閱
GP38 N Prototype: Similar in appearance to the GP35 with a couple of exceptions. Two small exhaust stacks instead of the larger stack of the 35 and two radiator fans instead of the three 點閱
8-40BW/8-32BHW N Atlas 將繼 HO軌後續出 N軌的 DASH 8-40BW & N DASH 8-32BW . 此款是由奇異在1980年代所設計. for Santa Fe as part of their "super fleet" of locos, 四軸, 大馬力 DASH 8-40BW 至今仍再運行. Amtrak liked the design so muc 點閱
master N 特價: 4款美國Model Railroader 評薦 2000 年度車迷票選第一名 N軌 Locomotive Atlas (原型製造:Fairbanks-Morse) 點閱
  產品共15型別,  目前在2頁/共2
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