廠        牌  Brawa 軌        距  HO
產品編號  40070 產品類別  蒸氣機車
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產品內容描述 40070 DC / 40071 AC
The Deutsche Reichsbahn took over a total of 22 915 locomotives from the former regional railways. As early as 1923, an initial re-identification plan was produced which was aimed at a uniform identification of the locomotive pool. However, it was only in 1925 that the final plan came into force after the locomotives had actually been given their new designations. The construction series 01 to 19 were reserved for express train locomotives: the construction series 01 to 10 included unit locomotives and 11 to 19 included former regional rail locomotives. Regional rail express train locomotives of the axle sequence 2’B were integrated in the series 13. This also included 24 machines of the Wü;rttemberg class AD, which were given the numbers 13 1601 to 13 1624. By now, the machines had slightly changed in appearance; the rounded smoke box doors and the flange chimney had disappeared from many locomotives. The locomotives of the construction series 1316 were allocated to the workshops in Friedrichshafen, Rottweil, Stuttgart- Rosenstein, Tü;bingen and Ulm. However, they were only used for the passenger train service for three years. The last locomotives of the construction series 1316 were taken out of service as early as 1928.

PS: 各廠牌年度新品歡迎洽詢.